Blogger dynamic views

Today I noticed that Blogger offers new "Dynamic Views" for visualizing blog content in alternative layouts. All I had to do was add "/view" to the end of the blog URL, and voilĂ , I could view the blog in layouts reminiscent of Picassa collages, Gmail on the iPad, or a slightly confusing but innovate view called Timescale. The layouts seem like a nice way to get an overview of the entire blog from different angles, like sorting files by name vs. filetype vs. date modified timestamp. The Picassa-style collages (Flipcard, Mosaic, Snapshot), for example, have tiled and mosaic modes as well as a way to look at all the pictures in posts.

I personally liked using Gmail-on-tablet-style mode (Sidebar), which makes it easier to see each posting at length while separately scrolling around to see other articles. To get to additional articles, I had to use the mouse scrollwheel over the sidebar, or just clicking on an article lower in the list scrolled the bar.

Timescale also seemed like a useful organizing scheme by organizing articles in three columns, each with decreasing level of granularity, sorta like looking under a microscope at different magnifications. Somehow, Timescale seemed to figure out which of the articles were the more "interesting" ones on Voice of Text Flex, although many of the articles with images on this blog didn't seem to "make the cut" to the first column.

But the most ironic thing was viewing the dynamic layouts on Android. On Android's stock browser, I received the following message:

which would almost seem to imply that the mobile browser isn't quite "modern" enough and up to snuff for the technology, whereas on Firefox for Android, it works just fine:

Good to see Firefox is still alive and kicking. Well, enough about lay-outs for it's time for me to lay-down to bed!


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