Flyby Mt. Parnassus

Back in college I remember discovering one of the only flight simulators available for Linux, an open source project named Flight Gear. I never got it working on my computer, but the screenshots online looked fascinating. And for some reason the project centered its scenery details on KSFO, the airport I passed by every time I drove to college.

Today I decided to give Flight Gear another run, this time on my Windows desktop. It worked. And it was beautiful. I share with you two screenshots I captured of flybys around the San Francisco area. My first orienting landmark was none other than Sutro Tower on Mount Parnassus (aka Mount Sutro), in whose shadow I now live.

The Flight Gear T-38 trainer flying by Sutro Tower, perched atop Mount Parnassus and its UCSF surroundings. The T-38 was one of my favorite jets growing up, perhaps because of its role as an advanced and beloved trainer. In the distance the Golden Gate Bridge pokes through the haze.

Another shot of San Francisco, this time of downtown Market area. Notice the Bay Bridge peeking out from the background.

And of course, next due is a flyby of UCSF Mission Bay.


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