Come out to Veritas at UCSF!

We're hosting a Veritas Forum at UCSF (our first ever!), and we're honored to have Bill Newsome as our speaker. Newsome is chair of neurobiology at Stanford and renowned for both his work on the intersection of monkeys and ethics and the intersection of science and faith. At our forum, he'll be talking on the latter:

Science and faith: the vantage point of one neuroscientist

I am a practicing scientist and a practicing Christian—commitments that are inconsistent in the minds of many. While I encounter tension at times between my science and my faith, my overwhelming belief is that both science and faith contribute critically to a meaningful, fully-experienced human life. Giving up either would result in a regrettable loss of understanding, depth of experience, and simple joy in my life. I believe that much of the perceived incompatibility between science and religion is specious, although real tensions do exist. In this talk I will lay out the central issues from my point of view, hoping to dispel some of the false conflicts between science and faith while bringing into focus real choices that need to be made.

The event's on May 5th (that's right, ¡Cinco de mayo!) at 6pm, in Cole Hall at UCSF (513 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco). Drop by if you're in the area! And feel free to peruse our planning and Veritas pages for more information.


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